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Serves 4 Starters and mains
If using desiccated coconut, soak in 100ml water for 1 hour until soft and rehydrated and the liquid is absorbed.
Wash and thoroughly dry the okra, then split them lengthways without cutting right through, and season inside with a little salt and the turmeric.
In a bowl, blend the coconut together with the remaining ingredients, except the oil and yoghurt, and season lightly. Use to stuff the okra until they are swollen but do not let them tear, reserving any leftover stuffing to serve.
Heat just enough oil to cover the base of a heavy frying pan and add the stuffed vegetables. Fry until the okra are golden brown on both sides and tender. Alternatively, grease an ovenproof tray, lay the okra (stuffed side up), brush lightly with some oil and bake in a preheated oven at 140C/120C F/Gas 1 for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle over any remaining stuffing and serve with the yoghurt in a bowl alongside.
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