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Serves 4 Sauces and accompaniments
Beat the yoghurt in a bowl with a whisk and set aside.
Heat the oil in a heavy-based
pan until it forms a haze. Add
the mustard seeds and, when
they stop crackling, add the
curry leaves and the cumin
seeds. Stir over a medium heat
for a minute without allowing
the cumin to burn, then add
the asafoetida.
Remove from the heat and slowly mix in the chickpea or besan flour, stirring all the time to avoid any lumps forming. When well mixed, return to a low heat and cook the flour, stirring with a wooden spoon, until it releases the oil and becomes soft (in the beginning the flour will absorb all the oil and become firm and hard, but with slow cooking and stirring, it will gradually soften and then release the oil).
When soft, add the turmeric
and the green chillies and
cook, stirring, for a minute or
two. Remove from the heat,
allow to cool for a few minutes,
then add the whisked yoghurt
and mix thoroughly to form a
smooth paste. Blend in 150ml
water and return to the heat.
Bring to the boil over a
medium heat and add the sugar and salt to taste. It should
be a bit sour but also a bit
sweet and savoury.
Boil, stirring continuously, for a few minutes until thickened to the consistency of a cream soup. Add more water, if needed, to achieve the right consistency. Add the coriander leaves before serving on its own with rice or as part of a larger meal.
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